Become A Mentor

If you have had a child, you remember all the things you felt, the first time you held your newborn: excited, fearful, curious, timid, powerful, overwhelmed, capable, love and everything in between.

Coming home for that first time with a newborn can be a very difficult experience, especially for women who don’t have a village around them to carry the load. We need mentors who will be a safe presence, a calm to the chaos, and a supportive voice amidst the doubt. We want to let these new mothers and their babies know that they matter and we care about them.

We carefully screen and match our volunteers to ensure they are a good fit for helping our new mothers and babies we are supporting.

How long is my commitment?

Each mother is up to an eight week commitment because sometimes babies are late or early. You’ll meet the mother once prior to birth, once at the hospital after birth, and periodically over up to a 6 week period postpartum.

What do I do?

We divide your visits up into 3 main time frames:

  • Prior to birth: You’ll meet our mother at her house to connect, get to know her, and learn any barriers she might have with transportation to and from the hospital and subsequent doctors visits. (approx. 1 hour visit)

    • This visit will take place approx. 3-4 weeks prior to her due date because sometimes babies are early.

  • At the hospital: You’ll be contacted after the mother you have been matched with has given birth. You’ll meet her at the hospital where you can congratulate her with a small gift (we’ll provide it) and help her home. After you’ll meet her at her house and help her settle in. (approx. 3-4 hours).

  • Post birth: Support through Care For Women is up to 6 weeks after the baby is born. During this time, you’ll visit periodically to connect with the mother, support and help her in practical ways, bring her meals, arrange a professional cleaning service to come to her home and take her to appointments, if needed. Each visit will be vary in time between 1-3 hours.

How am I matched with a mother?

There are two factors we take into consideration with matching a mentor and a mother: availability and location. We will aim to match you with a mother who is due during your specified time of availability so that you can be there for her when it works for you. Secondly, we make sure that you are within a reasonable distance to the family you are mentoring so that you can be there for her when she needs you most.

I’d like to mentor! What is the process?

Great! We are happy you’d like to be a mentor.

 We are Mother’s who support Mother’s.

1. Fill out the Volunteer Application so we can learn more about you.

2. After receiving your application we will get in contact with you for an interview.

3. We will contact your character reference that you provide for us.

4. Meanwhile, we will give you the information to get a criminal record check complete online.

5. If it’s a good fit, you’ll be invited to a virtual training to learn more about the Care For Women approach.

6. You’ll get matched up with a mother and you can set up the first meeting!

*By applying you are agreeing to receive Care For Women newsletters

Apply To Be A Mentor

*If you are receiving an error message when trying to submit the application, please email us at and we will send you the application form directly.

LAST NAME, First Name
Please list all the languages you speak and indicate your level of proficiency.
By filling this out you are giving us permission to contact them on your behalf
*By applying you are agreeing to receive Care For Women newsletters