Wondering how it all works?!
See the answers to some of our frequently asked questions, below:

Click below for FAQ:
How do I apply for support?

Simply fill out our application for care and our Program Coordinator will be in touch with you shortly about the next steps.

What cities is support offered in?

Care For Women currently serves mothers throughout Abbotsford, Mission, Chilliwack and Langley. (B.C., Canada)

Is there a cost associated with being supported?

No, support through Care For Women is offered at ZERO cost to the mother. 
As a registered charity, these services are made possible by the support of community grants and generous donors. 

Do I have to be a first time mom to apply?

No. You can be a first time mom or already have children – it doesn’t matter!

Can I still apply if I have already had my baby?

One requirement is that you do need to be pregnant at the time of application.

Our goal is to support mothers who are about to have a baby,  so they can establish a relationship with their mentor to fully support them in their postpartum journey.  

If you are a doctor, nurse or social worker looking to refer for support after the baby is born, please email tricia@careforwomen.ca so we can explore options together.

Who is eligible to receive support?

Anyone preparing to give birth – Our goal is to focus our support on mothers who have little to no support system around them.

This can look very different for different applicants and often cannot be measured by income, social status etc.

Some mothers are new to the area, emotionally or financially struggling, leaving abusive relationships, have a history of postpartum depression from previous deliveries and much more. 

One requirement is that applicants must be pregnant at the time of application.

What’s included in the program?

Each individual who qualifies for care is eligible to receive all of the following:

  • In home support / mentorship (Each mother is paired with a supportive mentor)
  • Meals 
  • A 3-hour professional cleaning service
  • Transportation to and from medical appointments, if needed
  • Community resources
How long is the program?

Shortly before a mothers due date, the mentor will connect with the mother to try and meet with her before baby arrives.

Postpartum support through Care For Women is then carried out for up to 6 weeks postpartum.

How many meals will I receive?

The meals that are provided can vary, but we strive to provide each mother with approximately 5 professionally prepared meals.

What sort of cleaning service is provided?

Each mother is given the opportunity to receive a 3 hour professional cleaning service by a local cleaning company that already has an established relationship with Care For Women.

Mothers can communicate with their cleaner to request a certain room and/or area of the home for the cleaner to focus on during their visit.

What does support look like? What can I expect?

About 3-4 weeks before your baby’s due date, your mentor will connect with you and try to set up a time to get together and get to know you. (We aim for this to be an approx. 1 hour visit)

Once baby has arrived, over a maxium time period of 6 weeks postpartum, your mentor will set up time to visit periodically and provide you with in-home support. 

This can be done in many different ways – making mom a cup of tea, emptying the dishwasher, folding laundry, playing with her older children so that mom can focus on the baby, caring for the baby so that mom can take a nap etc.

During several visits, your mentor will bring you professionally prepared meals to lighten your load. 

At some point during your support, a professional cleaning service will be arranged to come to your home for a 3 hour service.

If support is needed to get to and from medical appointments, we can help with that too! Just let your mentor know and either they will drive you or alternate arrangements will be made through Uber or otherwise.

On the last visit with your mentor, or near the end of your support, your mentor will provide you with a booklet of local resources that pertains to the city you reside in. This ensures that even after a mothers time with Care For Women comes to an end, they are well supported within their own community through other amazing local resources and programs.

How are your volunteer mentors "vetted?"

Each volunteer mentor goes through the same process before being eligible to be matched with a mother.

1. They fill out the Volunteer Application Form.

2. They will participate in an interview with our Program Coordinator.

3. Care For Women will contact the character reference that they provided for us.

4. A criminal record check needs to be completed.

5. They are required to attend and pass a 3 hour virtual training session to learn more about the Care For Women approach and ensure that they will be a good fit.

What happens after the program ends?

Each mother is provided with a booklet of local resources, pertaining to her city, so that she continues to feel well supported and connected after her time with Care For Women comes to an end.

Do you have an idea that would benefit our organization? Whether to collaborate on an event, bring a resource or speaking opportunity to our attention?
We are passionate about supporting mothers and are always excited to work alongside individuals and organizations who share that commitment! Check out our Mission, collaborate page  or email our Program Director Tricia at tricia@careforwomen.ca to explore further.

Still have questions? Reach out to us anytime at hello@careforwomen.ca